Wednesday 22 January 2014

Read With Reni: Online Book Club Intro

So. This is new and exciting! I decided to try and write an entire blogpost with the Blogger app to see if it's really worth it's salt. Sometimes the whole reason I dong blog is because I really can't be bothered to open up my laptop! It acts so crazy and slow sometimes. But I suppose I wouldn't mind writing shorter posts on my phone/iPad from time to time :)

So as most of you know, my current job status is not one that I relish so whilst I'm in this small rut of applying for jobs and waiting for feedback I decided to use my time wisely and enjoy myself. What better way to do that than by reading? People that know me personally know how much I love reading so the other day I popped into Waterstones and bought 2 books "And the Mountains Echoed" by Khaled Hosseini, author of "The Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn. I picked the former based purely on the fact that I've read his other two books and LOVED them! He's such a fantastic writer, I don't even think I full read the back of the book to see what it was about. Gone Girl was highly recommended to me by my friend a little while ago and since it was on offer, I figured why not?

The third book "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook) is one that I came across whilst reading a blogpost by someone else, I wish desperately that I could find the post because it was so inspirational to me as a woman at the time. All I do remember is the author of the post recommending this book for males and females alike and for some reason, I wanted to read it instantly! I was busy searching for an e version of the book when my lovely mother called me and told me she had this book called "Lean In" which was given to her at a conference and she thinks I should read it. You can't imagine how excited I was! Haha. Lean In is not a novel though, it's about women in the workplace and their will to lead, I hope it's the first of many books of it's kind I shall be reading! 

A brilliant idea came to mind after I posted the picture above on Instagram, my friend commented about a book club and I thought, omg that's a great idea! Lol. So here we are, my first attempt at starting an online book club! This is the order I'm reading them in "Lean In", "And the Mountains Echoed" and then "Gone Girl" but I'm going to officially make "And the Mountains Echoed" the book for February. If you think you might be interested then please drop a line in the comments box or send me a message on Facebook

I'm not sure if I will review the books after I've read them yet though, I'm not very good at giving completely unbiased opinions without spoiling at least some of the book! I think I'd just come back and say what I've learnt from each book or something similar. This could be the start of an exciting new journey! Who's with me? Come one, come all! Let's start a book club!

Don't forget to leave a comment below if you think you might be interested.

Reni xx

P.S. I didn't end up posting this up with the blogger app because I found that I can't schedule posts from there, and I can't justify my text... I HATE unjustified text. Lol. I also couldn't change the size of the picture or move it! And I also lost my social media icons at the end of the post (go on, click on one of them, you know you want to...) Basically, the app is great for short snappy posts but not so awesome for longer ones. 

P.P.S Don't forget to enter my giveaway! Check it out here "An Upgrade and A Giveaway" there's four awesome prizes to be won! :D


  1. Hey! What a good idea. I've read the book Gone Girl at least 3 times now. It's brilliant. I'm currently trying to read a book a month but I'm definitely interested in an online book club. Care to send me more details?

    1. Ouuu that's great! I can't wait to read it next month, I've heard such good things about it!

  2. Great idea, I love Khaled Hosseini too!

    Would love to get stuck in
    M x Life Outside London

    1. Yay! Welcome my fellow Khaled lover! I'd drop you an email with more details soon x


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