Friday 17 January 2014

An Upgrade and A Giveaway

So recently a lot has been brewing round these parts, I finally bit the bullet and did one of the things I said I would for this new year and that was to buy my own domain name! No longer am i I'm now lilactintedviews.COM! *happy dancing* It's literally the most exciting thing that happened to me this week and I couldn't be more grateful to my lovely other half for making this dream come true.

When I upgraded I think I expected my site to go all crazy on me and start spewing random crap but it's been okay really. It still works and looks exactly the same :) Anyways to share my happiness with you my lovely readers and also just because I can... I decided to host my first ever giveaway! *more happy dancing*.

I happen to be closely related to one of The Body Shops' "Love Your Body" Associates and so as a result I'm always getting lots of free stuff from them! I have so many Body Shop freebies that it feels selfish to keep them all to myself! But sharing is caring and Heaven knows I do care about you my lovely readers and so here I am giving you a chance to win some of these fantastic sets! I chose the Indian Night Jasmine scent because it's honestly one of my favourites, it smells soo yummy! Body Shop describes the scent as "inspired by a moonlit night in a Mughal garden" and "a blend of oriental and floral accords". I can't say that I've ever experienced a moonlit night in a Mughal garden and perhaps I need to add it to my bucket list because the scent it inspired is absolutely breathtaking! But don't take my word for it, enter my giveaway below to get one of the following sets for yourself!

Set 1: Indian Night Jasmine Body Lotion and Eau de Toilette

Set 2: Indian Night Jasmine Shower Gel and Perfume Oil 
Set 3: Indian Night Jasmine Eau de Toilette and Vitamin E Moisture Mask
The pearls were a last minute addition when I realised I could have a nice final draw on Valentine's Day! I was wondering about the Manchester city centre when I found them, they practically drew me into the shop, I almost got one for myself but I changed my mind at the last minute. I think pearls always make an outfit look instantly classy and they're so easy to wear as well. Oh yeah, the ring pictured isn't up for grabs! I just thought they looked nice together! Haha.
Freshwater Cultured Pearl Bracelet worth £60. Does not come with the ring, I just love pearls!
P.S. They don't really come in sets like this, I just paired things together myself.

So here's what I've thought up so far; every friday for the next four weeks, one lucky reader is going to get the chance to win one of these lovely The Body Shop pairs and then on Valentine's Day, which is the last Friday, the winner would get this lovely pearl bracelet worth £60! Unfortunately this giveaway is only open to my readers in the U.K.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Oh, before I forget, I'd be announcing the winners on Sunday's. Happy entering guys! And may the odds be ever in your favour!

Reni xx


  1. Ooo!! Congrats on the upgrade hehe :D It must feel sooo good to be a '.com Blogger' haha

    Mo x

    1. Haha, I do love it! I can't even lie :D x

    2. Oo! If I were to be so fortunate to win a prize...could I possible have set 3? Are we are allowed to state our preferences? lol Anyways. Good luck everyone (!) and thanks Reni for hosting the giveaway :D

      Mo x

    3. Haha, I didn't think of offering people choices actually but if you ARE fortunate enough to win I will definitely bear that in mind! Haha. x


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