Sunday 2 March 2014

Read with Reni: February Review "And the Mountains Echoed"

So February is over now and that means that it's time for the very first book review on "Read with Reni". The book for February was the amazing Khaled Hosseini's (author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns) "And the Mountains Echoed"

Now I must admit, I read the entire book before the first week of February was even over, that's how much I liked it! So what's all the hype about you ask?

Well, it's a deeply moving story about a brother and sister Abdullah and Pari, who get separated from each other when they're young, it's set mainly in Afghanistan and spans years and years of their history, including the Taliban.

"You say you felt a presence, but I only sensed an absence. A vague pain without a source. I was like a patient who cannot tell the doctor where it hurts, only that it does."

Hosseini really intricately weaves the story of the siblings into the fabric of many other peoples lives and there are many "Aha!" and "Oh my goodness!" moments to be had as the plot unfolds in a truly masterful way. I had so much writers envy when I was reading it.

"You want a story and I would tell you one. But just the one. Don't either of you ask me for more"

Honestly, I found it difficult to put down once I started reading it and I'm not necessarily the type that has to finish a book in one sitting. It all depends on the awesomeness or lack of. I would say it's quite easy to read as well as the story flows nicely. I'd be honest, there were a couple of "What does this have to do with anything?" moments but I guess it was all to paint a thorough picture.

I don't know how to tell you my favourite part of the book without spoiling it too much but trust me when I say this book had me blinking furiously to hold back the tears.

"They tell me I must wade into waters, where I will soon drown. Before I march in, I leave this on the shore for you. I pray you find it, sister, so you will know what was in my heart as I went under."

"And the Mountains Echoed" is as uplifting as it is heartbreaking and it really does show the complexities of human beings as emotional creatures so would I recommend it? I'm sure you can already guess that the answer is a loud and resounding yes!

Has anyone else read this book yet? What did you think about it? Feel free to link up below if you have a review on it already.

The book for March is "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn. Buy it, download it... You know you want to Read with Reni!

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