Wednesday 2 October 2013

Guess Who's Back?

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left... I even feel like a bit of a traitor and a massive let down for leaving you kind people for so long but so much has been happening in the last month both physically and mentally that I'm not too surprised that I took such a long hiatus!

To be perfectly honest with you guys, I don't even really know where to start, last time I was here I was in the depths of dissertation waters, all that is over now, my project was successfully handed in on time! I was even ready the night before and not rushing till the last minute like I usually do, thank God for small mercies! Lol. And now, almost a month later I'm here and a lot has changed and a lot has remained the same.

September was one of those months were my spirits weren't as high as they usually are, the end of my Masters brought with it a lot of questions on what my next step in life should be and really challenged me into finding something that I really would love to do as opposed to what the world expects me to do. At this stage it can be very difficult to reconcile both and although I'm not there yet, I know exactly what I don't want to do which I'd say is a pretty good start.

I also saw some of the darker sides of blogging, there are many people out there in the world and not all of them have your best intentions at heart, some of them may not even have bad intentions at all but their actions could still have consequences. To all my fellow bloggers out there, stay smart and cautious, never give away too much information about yourself or your whereabouts. The world is full of mad men! Anyways, this post is starting to feel a bit deep which was not really how I intended my first post back after such a lengthy hiatus to go so let's change the pace a little and turn to the brighter side of life!

Let's talk about all the reasons why September was an awesome month for me! I turned 22 which is officially ancient but I'm so grateful to be starting another year of my life, I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me.

I took my brother to York where he's starting university and my cousin, who is more like my sister, to Coventry where she's starting too! It was so weird watching them go off into first year, all fresh and excited and it filled me with so much love. I can't believe it was already 4 years ago when I was first stepping off the train into the city I now love so much.

I saw most of my maternal side family members at a family lunch we managed to put together at the very last minute and it was the most amazing afternoon, family really is the most important thing in the world to me. I'm so glad for mine, as loud and consuming as they can be!

I had the time to read two whole novels! "Pear Shaped" by Stella Newman and "The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives" by Lola Shoneyin. Granted they are both quite short but having the time to lose myself in a book again was just pure bliss! I can't wait to see what my next choice would be, I have a massive list somewhere, I just need to choose one! Okay... There's a lot of exclamation marks in this section... Perhaps I got a bit overexcited. Lol.

All in all I'm happy to be alive and happy that my blogger's block seems to have vanished, although I must say I didn't do this all on my own. Special thanks to Mo of Within My Locket, Eeda of Eeda's Atelier and my lovely boyfriend A for reminding me time and time again how much I love blogging and why I should never ever stop!

I can't wait to catch up with everybody, I have about 200 unread posts waiting for me on Bloglovin and I'd be reading them all! Haha. If you have a blog and think I don't follow you then drop me a link. I have plenty of potential free time on my hands this month!

Reni J's back! Tell a friend to tell a friend! Haha



  1. Yay!!! You are baaaaaack! I am so glad hehe. I see you have been keeping busy ;) Ooo please share the books that love. I am looking to expand collection lol
    Mo x

    P.S. Thanks for the mention guuurl!

    1. Haha, thanks for noticing I was gone! I think the hiatus is officially over! Lol.. I'd definitely be doing a post on all the wonderful books I'd like to read this month soon and very soon.

  2. Yaaaaaaay!! You're back!! So excited! I actually really love this blog.

    Random: I'm a little obsessed with your mum's family. Such cool kids!!

    Aaaaand happy birthdaaaaaay!!

    Re deciding what to do this next phase, here's one of my favourite quotes by Howard Thurman:
    “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (Totally heard my dad's voice sarcastically saying "Right." Ah well!)


    1. Haha, thank you so much for your lovely comment and the birthday wishes! Plus I love that quote as well! I think that's the most important thing for me right now, finding what makes me "come alive!" haha. xx


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