Day 8...
The seasons of the year
Especially Summer and Autumn! For me, Winter is just too cold, I've spent most of my life in weather that permanently stays above 25 degrees C, there was just no getting used to anything less than about 12 degrees. And although Spring is lovely because all the flowers bloom again, it just doesn't hold the same magic for me as Autumn.
Summer is filled with days at the beach, on beautiful holiday resorts, skimpy clothing, cool sunglasses, sandals, laughter, cocktails (Can someone say "yes" to a nice glass of Pimms?) and just generally feeling sun-kissed and alive. Also don't you find that good weather really brings out the best in people? Everyone just seems happier and lighter and free!
And of course, as a September baby I was born in the beauty of the orange trees, I love watching the leaves change colour on the trees, you get such lovely shades of yellows, oranges, reds and browns and Autumn always comes just in time, when you're getting a little bit too tanned and are just starting to tire of mini dresses and short shorts.
One of the most perfect Autumn trees ever, found in York when I went to visit my brother in mid-October. |
After moving to Nigeria I think I'd miss the seasons a lot actually, we only have 2 here, rainy season which lasts from about April till October and dry season which takes up the rest of the year from November till March. I'm not yet sure which one I prefer because I haven't really experienced the dry season since I moved back so I'm in a neutral space right now.
What's your favourite season of the year?
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