Friday, 5 September 2014

29 Things That Make Me Happy: Teddies!

Day 4

My teddies!

Lol, I know... I'm a big baby, the funny thing about today is that I really wasn't going to put this up, I was kinda shy, but you know.. Seeing as I share quite a significant portion of my life on this blog I figured I might as well keep oversharing! 

9 out of 10 nights or should I say something like 6 out of 7 nights a week, I will be falling asleep with a teddy in my arms. 

Oh P.S. This isn't even the whole family! Haha. These are just the little guys!


  1. I only have 1 but I want more, love em, do you name yours?

    1. Haha, they're so cute aren't they? I think I have 8 in total! Lol. A couple of them have names, most likely the ones that were gifts from people.


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