So... I'm kinda shy even posting this because again it's been soooo long! I don't know how my days just keep flying by... I've really been thinking of blogging again and I was determined to put something up this weekend because I realised that I actually miss being able to track my growth and my progress in different parts of my life. This blog is like my little diary of every and anything, from hair to fitness to food to my writing.... It really is just a space full of just me and you lovely people who actually tune in to read what I have to say once in a while. I appreciate you guys!
For as long as I've been blogging I've actually never done a blog tag! Haha. But Tuke of Tuke's Quest tagged me today and that made me feel special that people actually still remember and think of LTV once in a while. I get people telling me how much they liked my blog and my writing and asking me to come back but I just felt like I had lost my flair for "freelance" blogging. I still wrote a lot of pieces for The Naked Convos especially this past month but those posts usually have a topic and aren't random outpourings of my heart. Okay, let me stop yapping on now. This tag is about me so for those of you who are new to the blog, welcome to a crash course and for those of you that aren't well I'm sure there are a few things you didn't know about me that you're about to find out!
Are you named after someone? :
I'm not, but there are sooo many people out there with my full name (Morenike NOT Morenikeji) that it actually kind of annoys me. Lol. I guess the short answer is no. But regardless, I love my name, I love the meaning (I have found someone to take care of) and I hate the stupid jokes that some guys try to make out of it! Haha
When was the last time you cried? :
I'm actually a huge crier, like my tear ducts are soo overactive! But I always try and control the tears, in other words I'm always moved to tears but struggle to not actually shed them!. The last time I cried was probably last month, for reasons that are still a little too painful to state on here.
Do you have any children? :
Haha. Not yet! But I would like to have at least three one day!
If you were another person would you be a friend of yourself? :
Oh... Do I really need to answer this? I mean... OBVS! I like, love me! Haha
Do you have any guilty pleasures? :
Gosh, toooo many to count! I love watching trashy American TV shows, they literally give me life! And I have an insane sweet tooth which I fight everyday because I'm trying to eat less sugar (#fitfam)! I adore my teddies that I sleep with every night even though I'm a fully grown adult now and I LOVE bags and stacking up books to read for summer.
Do you like handwriting? :
Mehh... It's aii..
What’s your favourite cereal? :
Granola!! Followed closely by Crunchy Nut, but these days I'm trying to substitue the Crunchy Nut for some Fruit 'n' Fibre which I discovered is actually not half bad
What’s the first thing you notice about people? :
Would it be weird if I said "their vibe"? I really a whole lot on my gut and it's rarely ever been wrong about a person I've just met. I get a feeling off the person first then maybe their eyes.
What’s the colour of your eyes? :
Dark Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? :
Happy Endings! I love getting lost in overly cheesy and romantic movie
Favourite TV show? :
Grey's Anatomy! It's been my most consistent show over the years... Although I also love Scandal, The Originals, Vampire Diaries and House of Cards. Starting Game of Thrones soon, I wonder if I'd fall in love with it like the rest of the world
Winter or summer? :
Hugs or kisses? :
Can I be greedy and choose both? I like kisses a lot but can you imagine getting a kiss without a hug? Lol
Special talent?
Being a pretty good listener
Where were you born? :
St Mary's Hospital, Paddington London! Same as the Royals... I wouldn't expect you guys to expect anything less of me! HA! *sticks tongue out*
Creative writing, blogging, reading, eating (yes, eating is a hobby. Don't judge me) and working out
I don't! I really want this dog Coco that my Aunty got recently she's such a sweetie and is soo small and portable! It's weird because I'm definitely not an animal lover but this Yorkshire Terrier is just SO cute!! She's only 3 months old as well but she runs soo fast and is the cutest thing to play with. Sadly, we aren't allowed pets in the compound I live. *sigh
Favourite movie(s) ?
Definitely Despicable Me, The Best Man and Love & Basketball! I could watch those over and over again for the rest of my life
What colour is your car?
I drive one of two cars available at home. Gisele is black and she's my main car except for when my brother is home, like now. And Jasmine is silver. Yes... My cars have names... Gosh guys! I thought you'd be used to my general weirdness by now
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Hmmmm... Aren't I grown up yet? What am I now? This is an interesting question... I mean... I'd like to be a game changer in the oil and gas industry and not just for the money and I'd LOVE to be a mother and a wife and I also really want to be a published writer and I'd like to maybe run a small business on something quaint whilst making sure I never stop working out because being fit and healthy is such an amazing feeling. But to be honest, I REALLY want to fulfil God's plan for my life and I hope I'm somewhat on the right track!
Whoosh! Well that was fun! Thansk to Tuke for tagging me and right now I'd like to pass this tag on to:
Afam of The Ramblings of a Mad Man
Mo of Within My Locket
Feyi of Feyi Adesanya
Eeda of Eeda's Atelier
Rosie of Cider with Rosie
Camille of Paris 5th Ave
Deola of Beautifully Colored
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this... It feels good to be back again!


Mo of Within My Locket
Feyi of Feyi Adesanya
Eeda of Eeda's Atelier
Rosie of Cider with Rosie
Camille of Paris 5th Ave
Deola of Beautifully Colored
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this... It feels good to be back again!


Awww, this brought a huge smile to my face. Loved reading it especially your response to the last question.It's funny that you haven't done one of these in your 3 years of blogging, i guess it's the first of many to come. Welcome Back!!!
Haha, awww thanks Tuke! It feels good to be back! :) xx