Thursday, 19 June 2014

A Few Shots in Lagos

 So I’ve been the worst blogger in the history of blogville... I know, and I don’t even know how to begin to explain or ask for forgiveness because it just happened… I will just say “I’m sorry” and hope you guys just allow my life. I’m kind of sceptical about saying “Im back” because honestly I’m not sure if I am, but just know that I think of you guys every day and hope you’ve missed me half as much as I’ve missed this!

I guess part of the problem is that I always feel like my posts need to be full of a certain level of  depth and detail to be worth posting but recently I saw a friend  at a party and she  said to me “People like it when you just blog about everyday relatable things, you can just write about your day!” or something like that… And it kind of made sense to me, I don’t have to spend ages waiting for a big event or a trip to a restaurant to blog… I can just write a short little piece and put it up. So I’m going to be experimenting with slightly shorter pieces…

I think a good way to start would be with three of my favourite pictures of the Lagos scenery that I’ve taken since I got back. The first one is of the skyline of Lagos Island, Marina. I took it with my iPhone on the way home from a particularly amazing day at the beach… I was struck by how picturesque it looked with the not-so-calm ocean. You can see some of the tallest buildings in Nigeria in this… The one with the red bit on top on the far left of the photograph is UBA, Union Bank features the white horse on a blue background and NITEL, Nigeria’s Telecommunications company is the tallest building on the far right.

I spend a significant amount of my time in rush hour traffic in my daily commute to and from work. Sitting in traffic is soooo draining and I’m always looking for something to do to pass the time away, apart from having my daily #AikoMoment while jamming to Jhene’s album, I play this lame game of tag where I pick a car and try to manouver to overtake it before a certain point. Lol. It’s lame but it passes the time. On some rare days though I get to see things like this!

You can see the Lekki-Ikoyi link bridge in my left side mirror and I just love how this accidental sighting turned into the most amazing picture. Again with my iPhone. This suspension bridge is the first of it’s kind in Nigeria and it’s been a tremendous success. I no longer think of Lekki as far away, where I’m concerned, Lekki Phase 1 is just Ikoyi extension now thanks to the bridge! Lol.

My last picture is of Osborne Road, Ikoyi. This time I don’t even think I was in traffic but I needed to take the picture. The setting sun just looks sooo magical, it’s so huge and you can look straight at it! The picture reminds me of a scene in like some Bonnie and Clyde type movie where the gangsta and his ride or die chick are driving away into the sunset. Lol. I just might write a short story based on this picture! Lol.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed looking at these pictures… Which one is your favourite? Also, I promise to try and be better. Lol.


Reni xx


  1. Great shots!!

    XoXo Shea L. ☞☞☞

  2. Aw yay! Glad to see you've picked up your keyboard again hehe. Seeing your post was quite refreshing :) Don't forget- this is your blog! Share as much or as little as you want with us :)

    Mo x

  3. Thanks Shea! Xx

    Mo I have! Haha, well sort of. I've actually missed this a lot :) xx

  4. i love all the shots....but my all time fav will be the second one:)


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