Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Dressing Maketh A Man

Some clothes should not be made above a certain size! Like seriously, the amount of nonsense I’ve seen in this my short lifetime is appalling. Some might think that this post applies mainly to the females but not to worry, I have a male pet peeve or two to address!
Now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being plus sized (excluding those whose current waistlines are a hazard to their general health, y’all need to hop on that treadmill ASAP!). The problem is when these plus sized people decide to wear certain clothes. Take for example, the infamous American Apparel disco shorts.

 Clearly this ½ yard piece of clothing was made for some size 2 – 8 girlies in say California (i.e U.S. sizes 0 – 4) yet you see some size 16+ (U.S 12+) ladies trying to squeeze in all sorts of flesh into the spandex material, the result? Unsightly rolls, flabs, mountains, valleys, dips and turns bursting out from all over the shorts, it is highly inappropriate for some ladies to step outside the comfort of their homes in such attires! You know them looks you’ve been getting? That’s not envy baby girl, that’s plain disgust! Check yourself before you wreck yourself, because if those pants split on the dance floor it’s not going to be cute!

Now don’t get me wrong, there are some bigger than average girls that rock certain outfits and do it with so much swag because she knows, that you know, that she’s fly as hell! She might be big but those thighs are nice and toned, the stomach is almost flat as an ironing board and you know her make up doesn’t leave her looking like Heath Ledger when he played the Joker. There’s a way to be sexy without wearing ridiculously small and revealing things because you’re trying to follow fashion, if your body type doesn’t allow it then please leave it!

Yes, body type is a huge factor where dressing is concerned, for instance, you might be skinny as hell and still not have a flat belly, looking like some kwashiorkor child from the Niger Delta, so yea you might be slim enough to work those American Apparel shorts but there should be no reason for you to step outside your house in a crop top that you intend to wear fully exposing your torso. Someone on twitter a while back made quite a good rule of thumb and though I don’t agree 100% it’s simple and effective “If you’re standing straight and you can’t see your vag when you look down then please allow those crop tops.” The only exceptions to this rule are girls who are heavily endowed in front. Spread the word people; let the world be cured of these misdemeanours!

Oh and of course I saved something for the guys, how could I leave you out J my number one pet peeve when it comes to the dress sense male species (and trust me I have many) is when you see these boys wearing some type of skinny jeans, I’m not talking slim fit or just skinny, I mean those SUPER skinny ones, you know the kinds that Pete Wentz used to wear when he was in Fall Out Boy? Those ones. And then you see boys with asses bigger than mine trying to fit all that and whatever else they might be packing into these super tight jeans! It just looks uncomfortable, especially when they decide to sag them! LE WORST! If you’re not as skinny as your jeans then please refrain!

*sigh* sorry I just had to let that all out, I’ve seen too much nonsense in the club!

Thanks for reading beautiful people

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