Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Work-Out Wednesdays: Say No To Negativity

So recently I've been having a think about my blog and how most times it's just a bunch of random hulabaloo of whatever tickles my fancy and so I've decided to try and put some more structure into it. I haven't quite decided exactly how I'm going to do it all but I'm working on a little something for the rest of this November.

Wednesday isn't hump day for no reason... It's the middle of the week and the weekend can't seem to come any quicker or slower. The whole day is full of anticipation for the weekend as well as reproach for the fact that the week isn't moving fast enough! Or maybe that's just me and to everyone else it's just a regular day. Lol. So in line with trying to make things more 'structured' on here, I decided that hump day has now been declared Fitness day. Because my fitness goals tend to be the hardest ones to stick to and it would be nice to have to remind myself (and everyone else) why I'm doing what I'm doing.

So in this community I live in and this environment I work in, people always comment so freely on others weight that it's kind of annoying. Like, can a n*gga live? It seems there's always someone round the corner to declare "Ah! You've added [weight]" or "Have you stopped eating? You are looking too thin" Everyone is so concerned with other people's weight or lack of and for people on a journey to change their weight it can be very discouraging and at times angering to hear certain comments. Here's how I deal with the haters and nay sayers...

1. Have a healthy image of my body

I definitely don't hate my current body, in fact I quite like it and I'm sure if I didn't like it so much all those Digestives and akara would be easier to say no to. Lol. It's so so important to remember to love the skin you're in, a lot of people who aren't confident think "Well when I get skinny I'd be more confident" and sadly that's often not the case. While image is important it should never define you. Realising that you are so much more than the body you're in is one of the first steps to dealing with negativity. 

2. Do it for YOURSELF

Life is just too darn short to live your life for anyone else, if you want to lose weight, DO IT. Gain weight? DO IT. If it's not even about weight but about fitness and health, do it even harder! Have a goal that's based on your own decision and not because somebody else told you you had to. All those people that made/make you feel inferior are not worth your salt and that's just my two kobo. Doing things because of other people is the fastest way to an unhappy and unfulfilled life.

3. Work for what you want

Don't be like this kid checking everyday if his summer body is ready even though he hasn't even done exercise in about a week. Consistency is key in many aspects of life and this is one of them. I find that setting mini goals works really really well for me and helps me stay focused. I used to be so good and do them every month (example here) but I fell off the wagon somewhere, definitely going to continue soon and very soon! More information on that later.

Anyways people, say NO to negativity. Especially from strangers, keep your eyes on the prize and go for a run! Haha.

How do you deal with negativity from people you care (or don't care) about?

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