Can you guys see that single strand of hair between my fingers? Yes? Great. Look a little closer, can you see that bit where the hair has knotted ON ITSELF right in the middle? Yes? That's the current bane of my natural hair existence. It's called a single strand knot (because a single strand literally ties itself into a knot) or a fairy knot (because it's believed that the knot is so small that only a fairy can tie it). I've been getting these for a while now and they are starting to cause serious breakage and length retention issues because I mostly just cut them off.
They are especially noticeable towards the ends of my hair and usually feel like a 'rough' section when I'm detangling. It wasn't until I pulled off the above hair strand in frustration that I saw that the cause for all my problems were these damn fairies! I even used to like Tinkerbell and her lot *sigh*
So after much online searching, I realised that this was a common problem for a lot of natural sisters but I didn't find very many solutions to the problem though! Apart from making sure that your hair is well moisturised, which I thought I was on top of but would definitely be reviewing, does anyone have any more suggestions for me on how to get rid of ssk's or fairy knots?
For now I've put my hair in a weave to stop me from yanking at my ends, first one this year actually and I'm sort of already regretting the decision but my money cannot waste! This weave will stay on my head!
Please help guys! I need y'all :(
I have a similar problem as I have these knots at the ends of my hair. I'm thinking of trimming my hair to resolve the problem