So honestly, I can't tell you I know what has been going on with me and blogging these last few months. It seems that after like 4 years of doing it, I just ran out of steam one day and quit. Not only blogging even, I know I don't post my short stories on here a lot but I haven't even felt compelled enough to put pen to paper recently and produce any form of creative writing, I just don't get it. Well actually, I know part of the reason I guess... I was getting quite disheartened by it because I stopped looking at blogging like a fun and relaxing way to let out steam but rather as a popularity contest almost. I look on other blogs that I don't feel have the most original or the best content with thousands more page views than my little old space and I sit and wonder what or who I'm really doing all this for anyway...
Well, the truth is, being envious never got anyone anywhere and so I'm going back to my 'roots' of blogging about whatever I want, whenever I want. No fancy schedules, no nothing. Just me, so help me God. I'm looking to rekindle the flame of the original love and passion and so what better way to start than with food?? If you know me, you know eating is one of my favourite pastimes. I'm going to throw us all the way back to last year, sometime in late November when I played hookey from work to go with my mum to a conference and then ended up having lunch with her afterwards. We went to Bistro 7 on Kofo Abayomi, it's number 273 and is on the left hand side of the road, shortly after Intercontinental.