Friday, 12 December 2014

200th Post: Ankara Bag Giveaway

LTV has reached a new milestone today! It's our 200th post up in here, can I get a whoop whoop?? Weheyyy! I've been blogging on and off for about 3 and a half years now and it's been such a journey. Starting from my original baby "Through Hell and High Waters" which I eventually merged into this 'new' blog, all I can say is how time flies. 200 articles in and I know I'm not stopping anytime soon. I just wanted to say thank you to all my regular readers, my sporadic readers, my first time readers and those who are only here to try and win the free bag. I appreciate every single one of you.

Now on to the matter at hand, the giveaway. Recently, an aunt of mine started to sell these absolutely gorgeous bags made of Ankara. I know a lot of people have been in on the trend and there are lots in the market but hers were truly special to me because I know the circumstances they were born under. I've always wanted one of these bags but often found them waaay too pricey to really justify. Don't get me wrong I like my bags, but I felt the novelty of the ankara bag would wear off quickly. That was until I saw the amazing array of prints my aunt had, some of them don't even look like ankara!

Okay let me stop blowing her horn and show you pictures of some of what she has in stock! She does iPad and iPad mini cases

Clutch bags in various shapes and sizes

A myriad of bags with long handles and of varying sizes

These ones are fairly big


Aren't they beautiful? It was sooo difficult for me to pick one for you guys but I chose something that I thought would appeal to a lot of people. It is one of the smaller bags with the long handle, consider it an early Christmas present :) 

It can be dressed up or down and no those yummy heels don't come in the giveaway too! Haha. I just thought they looked quite darling together. :)

All you have to do to enter the giveaway is to leave a comment saying your favourite thing about the blog and one thing you really really want from Santa this Christmas. The giveaway will be closing on the 19th of December and unfortunately, it is only open to my readers in Lagos State. Apologies to everyone else, I'd work on something really special for you all soon.

Don't forget to share the page and tell your friends to enter too! :)

If you would like more details on any of the other bags, including pricing and delivery and pick-up, feel free to call on 09099019508 or email, just ask for Tund's Bags. :)

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Poolside at The WheatBaker Hotel.

So it's been a minute since I was last here, things have just been SO busy on my side of town. Interviews, work, story writing, NGO organisation.... You name it, I've been doing it. Things have been super crazy and I literally haven't had a second to blog, or when I have had a second, I've just wanted to use the time to sleep instead. Lol.

Well today is a little bit less busy, finally and so I can come on here and update y'all! It's been a hectic week to be honest, the running around is starting to take it's toll and I can't wait for Christmas. Looking forward to the times when I can spend hours lounging by a pool and not sitting at a desk. Haha. Speaking of lounging by a pool, that just reminded me, I never shared these pictures of the time I went to The Wheatbaker Hotel with my twinnie, Efe. Efe also features in the Izanagi post. It was a random day of the week and we just really needed some chill time so we met up for a drink and a good chin wag and sat outside by the pool.

Nice tall glasses of a Mojito and a Chapman

Vegetable Tempura. This was actually really yum.
As you can imagine, the Wheatbaker is not cheap. Haha. I really don't remember what this all came to though, if I'm honest. But it served it's purpose which was to relax us. Nice short post to ease us back into the routine. I'm sure everyone's looking forward to the weekend by now, I hope it's relaxing!

P.S: I have a special announcement for you guys tomorrow too so be sure to come back and look out for that :) Hope everyone's having a great week! Posting should be back to normal from now, fingers crossed.

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