Sunday, 8 December 2013

Exploring England: Chilling in Coventry

So I know I skipped last Sunday's "Exploring England" post but as I explained before. I just didn't have the will... Right now though I'm on some sort of blogging roll, I don't usually write posts and schedule them before they come out but this is my second one tonight and may very well not be my last! We shall see how this Tuesday night pans out...

So last week or was it the week before now... I forget. Let's say last week, it makes me seem less lazy! So last week, I hopped on a train to Coventry to visit my lovely cousin Toms for her birthday, even though technically she's my cousin, she's really more of a sister to me, and even though that was a potential 'awwww' moment I shall ruin it because that's what sisters do. Aside from stealing your clothes and borrowing endless amounts of things of course, but seeing as I don't have a 'real' sister, I guess I don't mind so much. Anyways where was I.... Ah yes, my adventures in Coventry.

Coventry was kind of different from the last few places I've been to because my exploring was all centred on Operation 'Find Tomi A Present And A Cake Quick'. You see it was the day of her birthday and I had neither of those for her... yet. But superwoman Reni to the rescue. I strapped up my boots, threw on my scarf and put my few hours of her being stuck in lectures to good use. I must admit though that this was not my first time in Cov but it was my first time going around on my own. The first thing I noticed when I got to the city centre, which is the first thing I always notice, is how pretty these banks look! Isn't that odd? For a bank to be described as pretty. It's just that with the way most banks in Manchester look seeing one that looks like something out of a cartoon is pretty darn cool!
lloyds coventry

natwest coventry
Natwest is my favourite, for some reason it reminds me of PowerPuff Girls. The mayor's office or something. Random I know.
Coventry is a city with sooo much history though! And I love how a lot of it is packed really near the centre. I saw the ruins of the Coventry Cathedral, it's the perfect picture of the phrase "beautiful disaster", I love seeing things that really are part of the identity of a place still there. I guess I should write something about Lady Godiva too, her and her husband the Earl of Mercia are Coventry's own Kate and William. Almost everything is named after one of them in some way or another, I'm not even exaggerating, the only thing Godiva I truly appreciate is a box of choccies! Which I'm not even sure is named after her but I might as well assume it is.
Coventry cathedral
Coventry Cathedral. I love this picture. The naked tree makes it look all haunted!
Coventry cathedral ruins
View of the ruins. It looks pretty nice doesn't it? Apparently there are some outdoor plays and stuff in here in the summer!
coventry cathedral ruins

It's such an old school city there, there's still so much influence from the Tudor times. It's all kind of surreal, I can almost imagine living in that era whenever I'm there. It's a very weird thought. Just check this pub out. So many of the places still have ridiculously low ceilings as well.

Oh yeah! I've digressed! Or have I? I did eventually find Tomi a lovely present AND a cake! And I still managed to do all this exploring and noseying about in less than 2 hours! Did I mention my superwoman skills? Lol. Sadly superwoman has zero tolerance and/or resistance for the cold so I quit the exploration and headed back indoors to cuddle with MY Peter Rabbit catch up on some shows! The story of how Peter Rabbit got to Coventry is quite long, I almost took him back but he seems to be in good hands. I've been talking quite a bit about Peter Rabbit huh? First in the Lake District home of Beatrix Potter the lovely writer who brought him to life and then in York where there was a massive one but sadly not for sale. Perhaps I need to see this as a sign... Peter Rabbit for Christmas! Lol.
peter rabbit, teddy
The only thing good about the winter is December and December is only good because Jesus Christ was born, which I guess is a pretty amazing thing. Plus all the Christmas decorations make it almost worth it.
What's your favourite thing about December?

Well all in all Toms had a lovely dinner and the next day I hopped in a taxi and she went back to uni. Back to real life I guess. Goodbye Tudor times. Once again happy birthday sissy. I really do love you. Most times. I hope all your wishes come true!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

One Inch In One Week: Inversion Method Results!

So I promised myself that I would never have to play catch up on this blog again but looks where we are... Catch up time! This time I'm not as behind as I have been but it's still bad enough, blame it on the laziness that came upon me one day and quite simply refused to be shaken off. Not that I was trying very hard, laziness would do that to you. Lol.

On to today's post, the first thing we should catch up on is my last hair post! As you might remember I mentioned that I'd be trying the Inversion Method and I was supposed to post my results up like a week ago... *awkward*. Well you'd be happy to know that I still did all the measurements I was supposed to like a good little blogger but then yeah... Procrastination happened. Anyways, a few mentions before I show you the before pictures of the inversion method. First, you're supposed to do it for 7 days in a row, Reni J did it for just 5! Lol. I completely forgot on day 2 and then on day 6 there was just too much going on, I literally had no time, nope, not even four minutes to hang my head upside down. Lol. Also, my method of inverting was by sitting leaning forward like I was painting my toes for most of the days. On the other days I just hung my head off the edge of the bed. Lol.

As you can tell there was a lot of inconsistency in my one week living life on the flipside! However! There were still some decent results! Here's the before pictures just to remind you.
Top Left: Back left, 8 inches. Top Right: Back Right, 8 inches. Bottom Left: Front, 7 inches. Bottom Right: Edges, 5 inches.
And now, for the moment you've allll been waiting for *drumroll please*.... 

(is this enough suspense??)

(okay surely this does it!)

The After Pictures!
Top Left: Back left, 9 inches. Top Right: Back Right, 8 inches. Bottom Left: Front, 8 inches. Bottom Right: Edges, 6 inches.
So there you have it! My hair did actually grow an inch everywhere and I only did it for 5 of the recommended 7 days! That's pretty impressive considering the fact it would usually take up to two months to grow an inch! For some weird reason though, the right side of my nape didn't seem to grow.... Tres strange. I always used to blame the hairdresser for not trimming in a straight line but perhaps it was never really their fault... I shall be investigating this more soon.

Well, what do you guys think? Would you be trying the inversion method? Or have you already tried it and got results? Let me know in the comments box :)

Reni xx

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